Just encountered an issue using the PMDG B737 while trying to generate a snapshot on a STAR initially at a FL, in this case FL100 (TL070).
It seems, if the QNH is away from 1013 (1005 in this instance), it is not possible to ''respawn'' at a FL as initially planned when saving the snapshot.
While reloading on the ground the setting changes to QNH then after moving to the airborne position changes to STD correctly as intended then changes again to QNH with amber coloring while adjusting to the saved altitude.
After testing with this time a QNH of 1013, this last step does not happen and the altimeters all stay correctly set on STD.
Any way to circumvent this issue?
SNAPSHOT at Flight Level
Re: SNAPSHOT at Flight Level
Thanks for the post, I have to check it.
I need to either take the Transition altitude / level from Navigraph DB and then disregard user altimeter setting when taking the snapshot or just use what user had set (could be wrong if weather is not exadctly the same).
Thanks for the post, I have to check it.
I need to either take the Transition altitude / level from Navigraph DB and then disregard user altimeter setting when taking the snapshot or just use what user had set (could be wrong if weather is not exadctly the same).
Jean-Pierre Garraio


Re: SNAPSHOT at Flight Level
Thanks for the quick reply!
Looking forward.
Looking forward.