Hello All,
New to FSiPanel but not to flight simulation.
I had a question on the failures section. I love that it's an option, but there doesn't seem to be a way to select a specific component.
For example, I can select ELECTRICAL from the menu in FSiPanel but there's not a way to tell it that I specifically want a GEN 1 DRIVE DISC for a particular scenario. Am I missing something?
Specific Failure?
Specific Failure?
Mike Collier
International Flight Dispatcher
Flight Dispatch Training Instructor
American Airlines
International Flight Dispatcher
Flight Dispatch Training Instructor
American Airlines
Re: Specific Failure?
No, this is correct, FSiPanel will select a random failure of the selected ATA.
This is to surprise the pilot.
If you want a specific failure known in advance, you can use the addon FMC/MCDU.
No, this is correct, FSiPanel will select a random failure of the selected ATA.
This is to surprise the pilot.
If you want a specific failure known in advance, you can use the addon FMC/MCDU.
Jean-Pierre Garraio


Re: Specific Failure?
Thanks for the reply!
The random based on ATA is good if I’m the instructor AND the pilot flying and want to surprise myself with something random from a specific system. However, if I’m the instructor setting up a snapshot profile for a potential student, not so much.
As the instructor, I want to know exactly what will be failed and when to meet specific training objectives. If I must tell the student to go into the FMC/CDU and do the setup for a specific failure it takes away that element of uncertainty.
From a programming standpoint you’ve obviously already gained access to the PMDG failures code/logic, so I think it would also be possible to take the next step and add an additional menu to the selected/ATA section on the iPanel to specify which modeled component you want to have fail?
That would allow instructors to create profile snapshots with known/specific failures while keeping that element of uncertainty for the student using them. Please consider this for a future program update.
Something else that may be a good addition along with the TCAS scenario, would be a windshear scenario!
Thank you again for creating this excellent application, and I hope to use it for P3D and the new MSFS for years to come.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the reply!

The random based on ATA is good if I’m the instructor AND the pilot flying and want to surprise myself with something random from a specific system. However, if I’m the instructor setting up a snapshot profile for a potential student, not so much.
As the instructor, I want to know exactly what will be failed and when to meet specific training objectives. If I must tell the student to go into the FMC/CDU and do the setup for a specific failure it takes away that element of uncertainty.
From a programming standpoint you’ve obviously already gained access to the PMDG failures code/logic, so I think it would also be possible to take the next step and add an additional menu to the selected/ATA section on the iPanel to specify which modeled component you want to have fail?
That would allow instructors to create profile snapshots with known/specific failures while keeping that element of uncertainty for the student using them. Please consider this for a future program update.
Something else that may be a good addition along with the TCAS scenario, would be a windshear scenario!
Thank you again for creating this excellent application, and I hope to use it for P3D and the new MSFS for years to come.

Kind regards,
Mike Collier
International Flight Dispatcher
Flight Dispatch Training Instructor
American Airlines
International Flight Dispatcher
Flight Dispatch Training Instructor
American Airlines
Re: Specific Failure?
Hi Mike,
This version of FSiPanel is for entertainment only, the failures are therefore random.
If you want to use the tool for actual training or act as an instructor, we can work on a dedicated PRO version where all the failures could be called from the menu at specific time (IAS, ALT, FLAPS, GEAR, etc) just like in a LEVEL D simulator.
Fly safe,
This version of FSiPanel is for entertainment only, the failures are therefore random.
If you want to use the tool for actual training or act as an instructor, we can work on a dedicated PRO version where all the failures could be called from the menu at specific time (IAS, ALT, FLAPS, GEAR, etc) just like in a LEVEL D simulator.
Fly safe,
Jean-Pierre Garraio


Re: Specific Failure?
I wouldn't be using FSiPanel for actual training scenarios of course, I'm still talking for entertainment purposes with P3D/FS2020.
Having the ability to select the failures from a menu like in a level D sim is exactly what I'm talking about, with the ability to have that saved with the snapshot.
I operate a virtual airline that has a pilot training program that emulates a lot of real world procedure, so I think there would definitely be value/benefit to be able to create a whole scenario snapshot with specific failures occurring at specific times in order to meet the objectives of a (virtual) training course.
I'm not a programmer, but I'm happy to help however I can.. test, pitch ideas, etc.
I wouldn't be using FSiPanel for actual training scenarios of course, I'm still talking for entertainment purposes with P3D/FS2020.
Having the ability to select the failures from a menu like in a level D sim is exactly what I'm talking about, with the ability to have that saved with the snapshot.
I operate a virtual airline that has a pilot training program that emulates a lot of real world procedure, so I think there would definitely be value/benefit to be able to create a whole scenario snapshot with specific failures occurring at specific times in order to meet the objectives of a (virtual) training course.
I'm not a programmer, but I'm happy to help however I can.. test, pitch ideas, etc.
Mike Collier
International Flight Dispatcher
Flight Dispatch Training Instructor
American Airlines
International Flight Dispatcher
Flight Dispatch Training Instructor
American Airlines
Re: Specific Failure?
Give me an example of a failure that you would like to get, the trigger and the airport, runway, position.
I will create a custom Snapshot that will have the specific failure.
This is possible from my side but not yet for the public.
If it works, we could work on a special feature.
Give me an example of a failure that you would like to get, the trigger and the airport, runway, position.
I will create a custom Snapshot that will have the specific failure.
This is possible from my side but not yet for the public.
If it works, we could work on a special feature.
Jean-Pierre Garraio


Re: Specific Failure?
A wanted feature would be a customizable failure (or a combination of failures) at a customizable waypoint / location / airspeed.